martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013

Corydoras (part I)

The bottom fish corydoras are freshwater and hot water. Contrary to what many people believe, these fish do not eat other fish waste , but only are responsible for removing leftover food scraps . So they are appreciated much in the world of aquatics , as an alternative to Plecostomus or Catfish .
There are many types of corydoras , soon to be taught in the blog , and have specific needs but let's see how we would prepare an aquarium generic corydoras .

Lighting: are nocturnal fish , so it should be no difference between day and night, to be able to follow the natural rhythms .

PH : The pH should be between 6.5 and 7.5.
Substrate: I recommend putting silica pebbles as they are comfortable with this substrate , it is natural colored stones and they can be seen well . Sand can also be used , but be careful not to raise the pH .
Shelter: Shelter is important for these animals as they hid there most of the day, while waiting for nightfall . They should have enough space.
Shoal : ideally at least 6 copies but with 3 going well.

Sensitivity to nitrite : in general are a very hardy fish , but if you add an illness to the rise of nitrite is very likely to die .
Sensitivity to disease : as I said before is a very very tough fish , there are some individuals that are resistant even to the dreaded white spot.
Compatibility: are generally peaceful fish that can even live with Betta fish or Siamese Fighting for what you do have a fish with similar needs of ph, that is freshwater and hot water you need , the best choice is corydoras .
Temperature : ideally between 15 and 25 degrees Celsius, for normal-colored fish . For albinos between 18 and 25 degrees Celsius. They can withstand higher temperatures, but we have to feed them a little more as their metabolism speeds up .
Food : a part of the remains of food to eat on their own , they should provide a safe meal in tablet background. She 'll give you a day in and day out one pill for every two corydoras should share aquarium with other fish if they are alone one pill a day for every two corydoras . It is important to put them to eat in the evening or at night , when out in general. I will recommend Tabimin Tablets Tetra , are economically priced and high quality, the box with 120 pills you leaves 5 euros (more or less ) and some places , in others reaches 10 euros but worth it. They are designed specifically for corydoras and botias .

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