martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013

Corydoras (part II): kinds

In total there are 54 species of corydoras . Let's see the most common or the most stand out:
· Tan Corydora

• Scientific name : corydoras aeneus • It is the easiest to care for, and the most common commercially .
• Well suited for community tanks , being very social and peaceful .
• Regarding his physiognomy : it has rounded and arched back , and can be observed as a bright fringes characteristic olive green iridescent color . The rest of the body is grayish or brownish and has two pairs of elongated barbels which tracks the feed scattered on the substrate.
• Ideal for cleaning the bottom of the aquarium and devouring food scraps and remains active throughout the day and night .
• An aquarium quite appropriate for this curious corydora requires:
• Place a substrate , fine , so you do not damage your body, nor their barbels , as always scrolls across the bottom.
• Remove any rock or decoration with sharp edges.
• Planting the right and left sides to give hiding , leaving the plant, to swim freely.
• You need a temperature between 19 º to 26 º
• PH : 6 - 7.5 ( neutral to acidic pulling it )
• GH : 10 to 20 degrees ( soft to moderately hard water )
• Being omnivorous in their diet should not miss algae. It is also recommended to take a pill of substance since they are somewhat nocturnal. Also accept food type : live, frozen , freeze-dried plant material , tablets and flakes .
• You do not need large aquariums .
• It is recommended that at least live with a small group of 4-6 copies , recommended for people who starts.
· Corydoras barbatus
• Scientific name : barbatus Scleromystax • Fish recommended for people with Advanced experience .• Is the corydora , largest living , sensitive, extremely high temperatures and nitrates, so you have to control these parameters .• Regarding his physiognomy : on a white background can be observed or brownish black spots , which are : Points in the face, stamped on the body and divisions in the rest of the fins of the body.• An aquarium quite appropriate for this corydora requires: • Maintain at least 250L of water as easily measure up to 15Cm .
• Keep in groups of at least 6-9 copies .
• You need a temperature between 20 ° - 25 ° (above have not supported and diseases. )
• Place thin substrate without edges
• Provide the aquarium with lots of plants , that provide sufficient hiding places ( They are shy )
• They are omnivorous , so that their diet is the same as the bronze armored catfish .
• It is further recommended that the acuerio reckon with a certain current, so they can swim .
• It is a peaceful and compatible species , although sometimes territorial ( there is always a dominant male in the group, which is what causes the fights ) .
· Corydora marble or pepper

• Scientific name : Corydoras paleatus• Quite popular in the world of aquariums , being very easy to take care and undemanding posing in Food, parameters , temperature , liters , etc. .• Regarding his physiognomy : It has two lines of iridescent olive green , is grayish - brownish , with bright yellow accents and black dots scattered throughout the body. It also has the body covered with bony plates , which protect against attacks.• It is a very long-lived , because they get to live 20 years .
• An aquarium quite appropriate for this corydora requires: • Place sand substrate , well planted and hiding , as they like to dig in the ground for food, creating hiding places and play.
• It is advisable to keep on keeping on more than 6 copies groups to feel safe and not be constantly hidden in shadow places aquariums.• It takes a temperature between 20 º - 26 º but endure, lower temperature ranges (not going below 15 )
• They are omnivorous , so the diet is equal to that of other armored catfish .

· Corydoras panda


 Scientific name : Corydoras Panda• In the most common in stores because of its beautiful and peculiar coloration , and the ease of care.
• Regarding his physiognomy : three black spots, located in the cover of the eye , covering substantially all , of the dorsal fin and the beginning of the caudal fin, which are on a white body , between gold and silver pinks .
• It is very active , since that is never still and moves around the tank looking for food with their partners.
• They are long-lived fish that come to live about ten years in captivity
• Suitable for people rather advanced , but easy to care for.• It is a kind quite sensiblea salt and chemical compounds to drugs especially those containing praziquantel and copper.• An aquarium quite appropriate for this corydora requires: • Put sand substrate , given that they like , remove the bottom in search of food .
• Having plenty of plants , spread over the lateral areas of the aquarium where they can hide and rest , leaving the middle free aquarium decoration, to run free.
• It is good to have adequate oxygenation and some power , since they like .
• It takes a temperature between 20 º - 26 º
• About the food : do not eat junk , but vegetables, pills background , freeze dried food , live food.
• Does not require to be kept in very large tanks . 45 cm.
• PH: neutral throwing acid 6 to 7.5 °
• GH : Water soft to moderately hard
• Keep in groups of at least four individuals
• very social and peaceful species that interacts with the rest of the inhabitants of the tank.
• They are omnivorous and within its supply can include : bloodworms, daphnia , worms grindal , anguilillas vinegar , spirulina, dried food in the form of flakes or granules.
• Ideally, feed them at night when the lights are turned off . This allows them to eat if they do not put fish food falls to the bottom . It is also important background suministrársele pills daily .
• They are schooling fish and need the company of their peers for not stressing .

· Corydora Sterbai

• Scientific name : Corydoras Sterbai • From the most popular, considering the high temperature range you need and can hold , in addition to being excellent companion to other fish that can withstand high temperatures.
• Regarding his physiognomy : throughout your body has a pattern of white spots , located on a gray or black background . At the level of the belly points become lines ( 2 white and 2 black ) .
• Has a life expectancy of about 8 years .
• An aquarium quite appropriate for this corydora requires: • recomendaddo tank volume must be greater than the 50 - 60L .
• Place sand substrate with fine gravel or thin , lacking sharp edges that could damage the corydora or their barbels .
• Include plenty of plants (in the areas left and right) as well as some flat stone in the center, so that support for a rest.
• Water flow must be light and well oxygenated water .• Temperature range : 25 ° - 30 °
• Have a group of no less than six copies , to make you feel safe , and move quietly through the aquarium .
• Recommended . For Advanced People in the Aquarium enthusiasts.

Hope you enjoyed this little story is about the species of corydoras , if you want to issue a particular species let a comment and in the next few days I will put in this post .

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